casual western - even cowgirls get the blues - dreaming trees
hi, friends! wow, i cannot believe it’s already the last weekend of july! this summer has gone by so fast! next weekend i’m heading to boulder, co to celebrate my best friend from college sarah’s bachelorette weekend, and i am so excited! i’ve never been to colorado so i’m looking forward to enjoying the scenery while enjoying some quality time with my friends! my birthday is also in august, so i have that to look forward to, as well as sarah’s wedding later in the month in chicago. it’s going to be a busy last hurrah before fall, but i’m thrilled to be seeing my best friends while exploring new places. this week’s look is something you can catch me in on a regular basis – i love graphic tees and tanks, as you know, and will never tire of a good pair of cutoffs. these are re/dones, which are essentially the holy grail for cutoffs and are definitely worth the extra cost. i’ve worn them nonstop since i got them, as they fit just how i like – high rise, a little loose, and perfectly worn-in. i probably could’ve gotten a size down from these, so for what it’s […]