- beauty must-haves - dreaming trees
hi, friends ask and ye shall receive! i’ve gotten a lot of questions about how i do my makeup, so here’s what i’ve cooked up for y’all. since i do not purport to be talented with cosmetics or anything close to a makeup artist (although i did do my friends’ makeup from time to time in college), i do have a good regimen that works for me, and i think it is worth sharing. if you like my makeup, i highly suggest you befriend an artist at a store like nordstrom, bloomingdale’s, or saks so you can take advantage of shopping at multiple counters with a salesperson who knows what they are doing. i can personally attest to the fact that many of the employees in a nordstrom cosmetics department will sell you their favorite products from multiple counters, not just items from the one that they are based out of, based on your needs. this has been an important part of my developing a skincare/beauty system that works for me (special shout out to my girls chelsea, brittany, and abigail, who never failed to help me and push me a bit outside of my comfort zone!). this post is pretty […]